The Worst Advice I Ever Received

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Many years ago I attended a women’s business retreat in the hopes of propelling my business forward. One of my challenges at the time was being stuck on a technical chapter of a book I was writing. I was frozen in fear and my writing had been stalled for months which was causing me a great deal of angst. When I discussed it with the group, the facilitator said to me, “Clearly there is no joy surrounding this project for you and I advise you to back out of the publishing contract.” I was stunned by her words. That was the worst advice I had ever been given. Just because I was stuck and struggling didn’t mean I should abandon the project and break an agreement. I needed support and motivation to break through what was holding me back and move forward. I did eventually finish the book which is now in its second edition. If I had abandoned that project because it was challenging me, I may never have written another book or ever been able to get another publishing contract.

What’s the worst career/business advice you were ever given?

© Donna Cardillo. All rights reserved.

1 thought on “The Worst Advice I Ever Received”

  1. Yvonne. Stolworthy

    When I was a new grad I had a couple of weeks of orientation on the nursing unit where I was reading policy and procedure manuals. Night shift was one RN and one CNA for 31 patients. My first night shift I had 3 patients come from OR and I quickly fell behind. I was there for another 2 hours trying to catch up but was reported for failing to complete the orders, create med cards and give post-op meds. There was an investigation. Another nurse told me “A smarter person would have quit by now”! I was tempted. At the end of describing that shift I was asked what I thought might have improved the outcome. I suggested having another RN on shift to help a brand new nurse would be helpful. Soon there were 2 RNs on night shift. Thirty-six years later I am now retired!

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