Nursing Connections

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I recently spoke at a small local event. After everyone had left, I remained, gathering my materials. The lovely server who had taken care of us all evening (she even packed my dinner for me to go) was there cleaning off the tables. She was so pleasant and with a great smile. Something compelled me to offer her one of my books “Falling Together-How to Find Balance, Joy, and Meaningful Change When Your Life Seems to be Falling Apart.” She was shocked and grateful that I was doing this and seemed very touched. I read the title to her and added: “Even if your life is not falling apart, I hope you’ll find it helpful.” She replied, “This might actually be just what I need right now.” I said to her, “Sometimes the message we need to hear comes to us exactly when we need to hear it, and often in unexpected ways.” She looked me in the eyes, and we had this silent, deep soul connection for a few seconds. It was quite profound. She then noticed from the cover that I had “RN” after my name. She asked, “You’re a nurse?” I said that I was. She said, “I’m a nurse too.” (Server was a side job for her.) So then we hugged and talked about nursing. I even met her mom who worked there too. This whole experience is one of the many reasons why I love what I do.

3 thoughts on “Nursing Connections”

  1. It was a noble gesture on your part. Sometimes a small gesture can make a big difference and make someone realize that someone cares. It can really brighten someone’s day.

  2. While reading my Congressional representative’s webpage, there were some constituents posting on there that had the opposite political viewpoints from me. One mentioned a friend going through some challenges and I offered my assistance. She contacted me and I have helped her find resources, and her friend troubleshoot (by phone) a home infusion pump issue and some other nursing assistances. I can not figure out, given their circumstances, how they could have the political leanings they have but I ignored that and just helped. Then they started asking me about how the politics are affecting their issues and I could speak candidly. And THAT is how nurses overcome knowledge deficiencies and make changes. First, we show care and compassion and then people trust and listen. And this is why I love what I do.

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