Excuses, Excuses – Stop the cop-out cycle and take control of your life

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Excuses-Donna Cardillo
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Instead of making commitments, many of us make excuses — excuses for  why we supposedly can’t do the things we want to do in our lives and careers. In all the years I have been speaking and coaching, I have heard just about every imaginable excuse. But excuses are nothing more than self-created obstacles crafted to keep us from moving forward for a variety of reasons. Benjamin Franklin said: “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.”
Unfortunately, making excuses can become a habit, a way of life. Some  folks have honed it to an art form. Instead of planning and taking action, they make an excuse. We make excuses to protect ourselves from feelings of failure and fear. They help us to avoid unpleasant situations and mask our perceived shortcomings. The bottom line is  that excuses keep us from succeeding.
Where there is a will there is always a way. Life is short and unpredictable. Create a plan for your future, take responsibility for  your decisions and your actions, and get on with your life. Stop making excuses and start taking action today.


©Donna Cardillo. All rights reserved.

1 thought on “Excuses, Excuses – Stop the cop-out cycle and take control of your life”

  1. Dear Donna,
    I am so glad to find your web site. You are a great encourager in this particular time of my life. I am 70 years ‘young’ and have decided on non-stop learning.
    I’ve finished my AIN studies and currently I study Nursing Science Midwifery & Nutrition. This is my third university study, BUT I always struggle, and I always JUST pass the subjects. Some people ask me why do
    I study at this late stage of my life? I do, because my husband has diabetes and I can help my neighbours, etc. What DO YOU THINK is important to me. Thank you for your care and time. Deep respect and kind regards, always. Kristina

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