Exceptional Nurses

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Some of you may be familiar with Donna Maheady’s work with disabled nurses and nursing students. If you aren’t, be sure to visit the online community/resource center she created at www.exceptionalnurse.com. She also developed a wonderful calendar and related youtube video to showcase/celebrate nurses with disAbilities. Check it out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EJkQVhgwq0. And be sure to read/recomend her wonderful books Nursing Students With Disabilities and No Nurse Left Behind. Please consider making a donation to support her work and keep the web site going.

1 thought on “Exceptional Nurses”

  1. I really not sure what this is about, however I am an RN that was injured 5-6 years ago and have not been able to return to work yet. There’s nothing better that i would like to do than to return to work in some capacity not just to contribute to our family income, but because i feel that i have alot more to give. Not sure where to start. Any suggestions/info. would be appreciated
    thank you

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