Aren’t nurses great?

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I’m sitting in a hotel room in Las Vegas having just finished presenting 2 full day seminars back to back. I am always physically and mentally exhausted afterwards and often question why I do these seminars since it takes so much out of me. But then, I experience the outpouring of warmth, love and gratitude from the attendees at the end of the day and it reminds me why I keep on doing what I do. I am energized by the passionate and compassionate spirit of nurses. Ya just gotta love ’em – and I do!

2 thoughts on “Aren’t nurses great?”

  1. Donna,
    I wanted to thank you again for the oustanding seminars in Las Vegas this week. Your enthusiasm is contagious and your delivery is motivational, professional and genuine. At times I felt as if you were speaking directly to me. I look foward to attending future seminars and reading your new book. Keep up the excellent work.

    Jennifer Bruno

  2. Dear Donna,

    I have been in nursing for 27 years. Clinical and management.
    I attended one of your two day conferences in Las Vegas a few years ago. You inspired me to start my own business one day. I first wanted to complete my MBA, which I did June 2007.

    I just started a healthcare recruitment company and am so excited and proud. I will be forever grateful for your enthusiasm, inspiration and encouragment.

    Please continue your seminars, you are very special.

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