The Inspiration Nurse, Donna Cardillo, Hosts Empowered Nurse, Enlightened Practice™ Retreat to Combat Compassion Fatigue

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Tucson, AZ (February, 2015) Nurses are healers, teachers, nurturers and more often than not, tend to the health and well-being of others more than their own. On duty 24-7, and often dealing with emotionally-charged events such as the death of their patients, these dedicated professionals often neglect their own well-being for the sake of others and experience what is commonly known as “compassion fatigue.”

Best described in an article on by Theresa Gaffney, RN, MPA entitled Compassion Fatigue on Rise, Gaffney states, “One thing I have learned is that burnout is often confused with compassion fatigue. Although the symptoms can be similar, such as anger, sadness, despair and hopelessness, there are clear differences. Burnout generally is related to organizational situations and is believed to occur as a result of an individual not being correctly matched to the right job position. In comparison, compassion fatigue, according to Deborah Boyle, RN, MSN … occurs when nurses cannot find a balance between empathy and objectivity. Left unaddressed, it can lead to physical and psychological consequences.”

Gaffney’s assessment addresses perfectly why it is imperative for nurses to take time out for a tune-up of mind, body, spirit and career. And there’s no better way to do that than attending the Empowered Nurse, Enlightened Practice™ retreat presented by The Inspiration Nurse, Donna Cardillo, RN, CSP,

This transformative conference and retreat is for nurses at every stage of their careers and attended by nurses around the country. The event takes place March 19 – March 22, 2015 at the award-winning Miraval Resort & Spa in Tucson, AZ. Discussions, workshops, individual and group exercises, as well as emotionally powerful sharing will provide those in the nursing profession the opportunity to brainstorm, learn, and grow. Additionally, participants will receive much-needed and well-deserved self-care time to recharge their batteries and offset the damages of compassion fatigue.

Cardillo states, “Whether your passion for nursing is fired up or has simply fizzed out, this event is perfect for you. It was been created to empower, energize, and enlighten nurses to embrace their future success. And the resort and spa setting provide the opportunity for relaxation, reassessment, planning and recharging. This is the perfect combination to help nurses everywhere.”

Just a few of the workshop objectives include:

  • Honor, value and celebrate the career path of a nurse
  • Heal and renew the caretaker within
  • Build confidence and personal power
  • Become a catalyst for positive change in nursing

Those who attend will:

  • Spend time with Carrillo, allowing opportunity for personal mentorship while enjoying the company of a small group of like-mined nurses
  • Attend fun, energizing morning conference workshops plus optional evening sharing and networking
  • Have free time to enjoy the many offerings of the magnificent Miraval’s brand new Life in Balance Spa, their classes and activities


Cardillo helps women and nurses to reach their full potential and is a renowned keynote speaker, retreat leader, consultant, columnist, and author with an accomplished career of over 30 years. Cardillo is also a member of the Panel of Experts on the Dr. Oz blog and the author of numerous books including; The ULTIMATE Career Guide for Nurses, Practical Advice for Thriving at Every Stage of Your Career, Your First Year As A Nurse: Making the Transition From Total Novice to Successful Professional, and A Daybook for Beginning Nurses.


About Donna Cardillo: Donna Cardillo, RN, MA, CSP is The Inspiration Nurse. She travels the world helping women and healthcare professionals to live fearlessly in career and life and to reach their full potential. She does that as a keynote speaker, columnist, author, and cut-up. An expert blogger at, Cardillo is also the ‘Dear Donna’ columnist at, and the author of three books, with the 4th on its way.


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