Stepping out of my comfort zone

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Last week I was installed as president of the National Speakers AssociationNJ Chapter (I officially start in that role on July 1). I was once president of another association chapter but never a state-wide chapter. Also, the last association was all women; this one is men and women. So the experience will be different in many ways. I agreed to accept the position for a variety of reasons – one of them being that I would have to stretch myself personally and professionally to chair a spirited board of directors who are all professional speakers and oversee a dynamic and growing chapter of a very prestigious national organization.

I could easily have said ‘no’ to this challenge with many valid reasons to do so. But I learned long ago that it is good to challenge myself on a regular basis – that that’s the only way I will grow and learn and develop along life’s journey.

I also know now that the comfort zone is a danger zone. When you are in your comfort zone you are stagnant – not learning, not growing. So as scary as it might be to stretch myself, try new things, and take on a challenge, I know it will make me a stronger, better, more confident, and happier person in the long run, better equipped to contribute to the world around me.

What have you done lately to stretch the boundaries of your comfort zone – applied to school or accepted a new position? Changed jobs or started taking piano lessons? Volunteered to be on a committee at work or in a professional association you belong to? I’d like to hear about it.

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