Sometimes all it takes is a kind word

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Kind word-Donna Cardillo
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Years ago at one of my first public seminars, an attendee came up to me and shared her story. She’d been out of the workforce for some time taking care of a disabled daughter. She now needed to get back to work but had lost her confidence and sense of self.

During our brief encounter, she radiated positive energy and spunk and demonstrated many other positive attributes including a great smile. When I  conveyed that to her in just a few words, her eyes filled with tears and she told me that no one had ever said anything like that to her in her life (she was probably in her 30s). I was so taken aback that what I said could have such a profound impact on her. I was also  startled–and saddened–that she could have gotten to this point in her life without anyone having ever pointed out what was so obvious to me about her personality and demeanor.

It reminded me of the power of positivity and how important it is to give positive feedback, no matter how brief or seemingly “minor.” Most of us are surrounded by negativity including our own thought process. Sometimes all it takes is a kind word, a sincere compliment, or a little positive feedback to counter that negativity and change a person’s day and maybe even her  life. Try it and see what happens.

©Donna Cardillo. All rights reserved.

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