I recently attended religious services in a town I was visiting. Upon entering the facility I was handed a pamphlet that had the program in it and upcoming events. On the back was a lovely welcoming message that went, “To all who are lonely and need friendship; to all who are discouraged and need good news;” etc. Typical “church” fare. But as I read on I was initially taken aback by the phrase “…to all who are complacent and need disturbing…” But after a second I smiled broadly at the concept.
So many of us are in a rut in our lives and careers. We become so complacent that we stop learning, stop growing, stop moving forward, stop living. We don’t bother to challenge ourselves; we let fear and boredom rule our lives; and we lose our zest for living and working. The message was so powerful.
We all need a little disturbing from time to time. That may involve stepping out of our comfort zone, shifting our priorities, taking a risk, making a big decision, or doing something we’ve always wanted to do. There is a Chinese proverb that says, “When sleeping women wake, mountains move.” I challenge you today to awaken from the slumber of complacency, apathy, negativity, and inactivity. It’s time to wake up to life.
©DonnaCardillo. All rights reserved.