Many years ago I attended an American Nurses Association convention and heard about an online nursing community called NurseNet I subscribed to this listserv when I returned home and have been an active member ever since – almost 10 years. It is an amazing mix of nurses from all over the world in every imaginable specialty and at every phase of their careers from student to retired. The discussion topics include general nursing education and practice, nursing resources and humor and so much more. Have a question about almost anything nursing or non-nursing? You’ll likely get a response within minutes. Have good news to share or something to vent about? You’ll find plenty of cyber-support here. Need some help with a challenging career or patient care issue? You’ll get advice, ideas, and feedback from a broad perspective. Want to stay on top of all the latest breaking nursing news or just know what nurses are talking about and thinking about? This is the way and the place to do just that. Networking was never so convenient! NurseNet is a invaluable resource for all nurses.
You Are Not Alone: A Nod to Caregivers
March is National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month. Twenty-six years ago, my husband was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Twenty-six years ago, I became a