Nursing’s future

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I’m writing from Kansas City, MO while getting ready to deliver the keynote address at the National Student Nurses Association MidYear Career Planning Conference. The hotel is filled with over 1000 student nurses from all over the country. They are of varying ages and backgrounds. Some are right out of high school and others have had one or more previous careers. Each of them is filled with a mixture of fear, excitement, and anticipation. They are the future of nursing. I am so proud of them and so grateful to them for having the courage and the determination to walk the path of the healer.
To those of you who will encounter new graduate nurses in the workplace, through your professional associations, and even in your community in the near future, extend yourself to them. Welcome them into the profession with open arms. Help them, support them and encourage them. Thank them for choosing nursing and let them know that you’re there for them. Please read the article How to Welcome New Grads into the Fold.

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