Nursing Nirvana

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Have you ever dreamt of spending time with current and aspiring nurse entrepreneurs, authors, coaches, leaders, and visionaries? Perhaps you have fantasized about spending three or four days with nurses who are nothing but positive and enthusiastic about the profession. And who hasn’t wished they could get away for a long weekend of pampering, relaxation, and communing with nature, to rejuvenate themselves and the healer within?

Miraval al frescoIt’s time to make your dreams a reality by attending Empowered Nurse, Enlightened Practice™ retreat at the award-winning Miraval Life in Balance Resort & Spa in Tucson, AZ. The resort has been rated tops in the world and is frequented by celebrities (Oprah, Ellen, Giuliana Rancic and husband Bill, and Dr. Oz to name a few), sports figures, spiritual teachers and healers and anyone seeking peace, harmony, and balance in their lives including moi! This will be my 12th visit to Miraval and my 4th year offering this retreat bringing nurses together for a weekend of fun, camaraderie, sharing, learning, growing, letting-go, and creating. I’ll be your personal guide on this journey.

I am excited about those who are already registered to attend including Michelle Podlesni, President of the National Nurses in Business Association. I am honored to have her back with us this year. We’ll also have several nurse authors, educators, coaches, and clinicians including some who are just returning to the profession. Every nurse who has attended in the past has said that the experience of attending the conference combined with the Miraval experience has been transformative and life-changing, both personally and professionally.

Find all the DETAILS HERE including rates, schedule, and more.

Make your dreams come true…at Miraval in March!

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