If you are a nurse who owns a business, send a note including your website address to Donna@DonnaCardillo.com for possible inclusion on this list.
Renee Baldo RN BS MBA
Unlimited Potential
Unlimited Potential focuses on skin and body care with a holistic approach.
Barbara Bartlein RN MSW CSP
The People Pro
Bartlein offers keynotes, seminars, and consultations to build businesses and balance lives. She is author of Why Did I Marry You Anyway? 12.5 Strategies for a Happy Marriage and is featured in Chicken Soup for the Nurse’s Soul and Chicken Soup for the Caregiver’s Soul.
Anthony Battaglia MS RN
Pocket Nurse, President
The company carries over 8,500 products, including Pocket Nurse® brand products, Demo Dose®, Student Health Totes, and Sim EMR® and the Pocket Nurse® brand of medical supplies for education and simulation.
Lorie Brown RN MN JD
Empowered Nurses
Lorie formed Empowered Nurses to help nurses protect their licenses, so they can do their jobs with confidence, focus on serving their patients, and regain the joy in the profession they love.
Tim Bristol PhD RN CNE ANEF
NurseTim provides training and consulting for administrators, trainers, faculty, and other instructional specialists. Specific services can include faculty development, accreditation support, strategic planning, research, and event planning.
Teri Bunker FNP MS
Bridge City Family Medical Clinic
Bunker founded Bridge City Family Medical Clinic, Portland, OR, in 2003
Carol Bush RN MS BS
The Social Nurse
Carol is Content Strategist, Writing Coach, and Owner of The Social Nurse, a marketing consultancy for healthcare related small businesses.
Karyn Buxman RN MSN CSP CPAE
Humorist and Speaker
Buxman is an internationally recognized expert in applied and therapeutic humor and is a publisher of the Journal of Nursing Jocularity.
Senen Calbalfin RN MSN CNOR
Executive Care
As an Executive Care franchise owner, her company provides friendly and compassionate caregivers to help clients stay in their own homes by promoting independent living to its fullest.
Candace Campbell DNPc MSN-HCSM RN CNL
Florence Nightingale impersonator and producer of an award-winning documentary, Micropremature Babies: How Low Can You Go? Candace Campbell is an award-winning actor and filmmaker, author, educator, and she has been featured on the air and in print in over 1000 media outlets worldwide.
Donna Cardillo RN MA CSP FAAN
The Inspiration Nurse
Cardillo is “The Inspiration Nurse.” She is a transformational keynote speaker, retreat leader, author, columnist, and blogger. Her books include: Falling Together: How to Find Balance, Joy, and Meaningful Change When Your Life Seems to be Falling Apart, Your 1st Year as a Nurse, The ULTIMATE Career Guide for Nurses, and A Daybook for Beginning Nurses. She is the original Dear Donna columnist at www.Nurse.com. She has appeared on The Today Show, The Dr. OZ Show, and has been featured in the Los Angeles Times on several occasions. Donna is the creator of the trademarked Career Alternatives for Nurses® seminar and home-study program.
Keith Carlson BSN, RN, NC-BC
Nurse Keith Coaching
Keith is a Board-Certified Nurse Coach offering holistic career coaching for nurses and healthcare professionals in the areas of work-life balance, job search and networking strategies, strategic career development, podcasting, writing, and entrepreneurship.
Janet Celli RN CPR
Associates of America, Co-Owner
Celli and Susan Whitney sell automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) and train and certify individuals and organizations in their use.
V. Yvette Cheeks RN BSN
V. Yvette Cheeks RN, BSN, is the Owner of Professional Healthcare Education Service, Inc., a nursing continuing education company.
Tracey Christenson Wolfman RNC BSN
We Care Adult Care, Inc., Co-Owner
We Care provides adult daycare, which is an alternative to long-term care facility placement; it also provides relief to caregivers who are caring for loved ones at home.
Kathy Clark RN BSN
KathyClarkRN, Transformation Empowerment Coach
As a Transformation Empowerment Coach and RN, Kathy will help you find the Rx for your soul so you can trust your intuition when it comes to your happiness and health.
Nancy Clover RN AD
Occupation Health Connections, President
Clover’s company provides temporary and contract placement of nurses and nurse practitioners in occupational health and related settings and permanent placement and other staffing services on a national basis.
Robin Cogan MEd RN NCSN
Robin is a Nationally Certified School Nurse, completing her 17th year in the Camden City School District. Robin holds leadership positions on the New Jersey State School Nurses Association Executive Board as well as with the NJ Department of Education Preschool Nurse Advisory Board.
Amy Cowperthwait MSN APRN
Avkin, Chief Executive Officer
Amy is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Avkin, a company that designs and sells wearable technology for patient-centered simulation.
Terry Cralle RN MS
Terry is a credentialed and experienced clinical sleep educator and has devoted much of her career to sleep health and wellness
Peds-R-Us Medical Education
Peds-R-Us is a worldwide pediatric seminar company.
Kathy Dempsey RN
Keep Shedding, President
Dempsey is a speaker, writer, and facilitator on issues of change, organizational development, and strategic planning.
Trish Detura
Women’s Holistic Healing, Certified Nurse Midwife
Bridging the divide between modern medicine and holistic therapies, Trisha’s research and studies in natural women’s health span the last 15 years.
Suzanne Drake APN-C PhD
Drake is a professional psychotherapist who deals with the problems of individuals, couples, and families.
Marlyn Duncan Boyd RN PhD
Fine Art America, Artist
Boyd paints portraits of nurses’ caps as a way to record these symbols of nursing.
Lynn Durham RN
Lynn Durham, RN, is a well-being coach, writer, and speaker.
Margaret A. Fitzgerald DNP FNP-BC NP-C FAANP CSP
Fitzgerald Health Education Associates, Inc.
Provider of nurse practitioner certification preparation and continuing education for healthcare providers.
Eva M. Francis RN MSN CCRN
Brilliant Training & Consulting, Inc., CEO
Brilliant Training & Consulting, Inc. is a training, leadership, and consulting company. Their mission is to Train, Equip, & Empower healthcare professionals to raise the bar in healthcare and patient care.
Laura Gasparis Vonfrolio RN PhD
Educational Enterprises
Vonfrolio, who published Revolution, The Journal of Nurse Empowerment, provides programs (including nursing education vacations) on subjects related to emergency and critical care nursing, including CEN and CCRN review courses.
Nadine Grzeskowiak RN
Through personal experience and research, Nadine was able to take a life-altering situation and share her knowledge with other sufferers. Ten years ago, she was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, and her life changed forever.
Jamie Hamm RN BSN VA-BC Vascular
Access Plus, LLC
Specializing in inserting ultrasound-guided PICC lines with ECG tip confirmation and education for the care and maintenance of those lines.
National Nurses in Business Association, Inc., President
NNBA is a professional organization for nurse entrepreneurs. The #1 Resource for Nurses in Business Since 1985.
Bob Hess PhD, RN, FAAN DrBobRN
Founder & CEO, The Forum for Shared Governance
The Forum for Shared Governance identifies, promotes, and disseminates evidence-based information about shared governance within a professional governance continuum and organizational innovations that empower nurses and other healthcare professionals. It is the ONLY agency that accredits organizations in shared governance.
Patricia Iyer RN MS LNCC
The Pat Iyer Group, President
patiyer.com, legalnursebusiness.com, LNCAcademy.com
Pat is a thought leader within the legal nurse consulting community. A past president of the American Association of Legal Nurse consultants, Pat coaches legal nurse consultants so that they make more money, get more clients, and avoid expensive mistakes. Additionally, she works with authors to share their expertise in books. Pat is a ghostwriter and developmental editor.
Louise Jakubik PhD RN-BC CSP
NurseBuilders, President & Chief Learning Officer
Nurse Builders is a pediatric nursing education company dedicated to advancing pediatric nursing education, practice, and research. We are an academic, learning-oriented company dedicated to meeting the individual and organization needs of its clients.
Damion Jenkins RN MSN
The Nurse Speak, CEO
Damion is the Owner and operator of The Nurse Speak and has a real passion for nursing education! Damion has been teaching nursing related courses for over six years and has more than 20 years of leadership and mentoring experience.
Charna Kinneberg RN MBA
Senior Transitions Inc.
The mission of Senior Transitions is to decrease the stress involved in relocating senior citizens, especially when having to downsize.
Rita Kluny
Healing Touch for Babies
Rita introduces the Principles of Infant Compassionate Care and helps nurses, etc., understand babies at a deeper level, and accelerate their recovery process.
Scharmaine Lawson-Baker NP
Nola the Nurse
Dr. Lawson-Baker was inspired to make house calls while caring for her grandmother, who was ill and needed an in-home physician. She serves a large geriatric population in the comfort of their private homes, group homes, or assisted living facilities.
Fran Lessans RN MS
Passport Health USA, CEO
Lessans owns a chain of immunization centers with franchises all over the United States; each office provides comprehensive travel counseling and inoculations to business and leisure travelers, foreign exchange students, missionaries, adoption agencies specializing in overseas adoptions, and others.
Nurse Advocate
Anne is the Founder of Nurse Advocate, a website and blog that provides information for patients, families, and healthcare professionals to understand how to navigate today’s complex and often scary healthcare system.
Mary LoVerde RN
Life Balance Expert
Mary LoVerde, RN, is a life balance expert. LoVerde has a passion for finding creative ways to live a joyful and successful life.
Sue Masoorli RN Perivascular
Nurse Consultants, Inc.
Masoorli’s company provides infusion therapy education, training, and certification to nurses.
Ericka McCarron RN About Face Medical Aesthetics, PLLC
Ericka is a consultant for Allergen, Inc., training physicians and mid-level providers on the technique and application of Botox®, Juvéderm®, Juvéderm Voluma®, and Latisse®.
Suzanne McMurray RN MA ITHC RMT
The Center for Conscious Caregiving, President
Suzanne McMurray, MA, RN, ITHC, RMT, is a registered nurse with over 30 years’ experience in conventional and holistic health methodologies. Her team of conscious caregivers utilizes a unique Radical Self Care Planning Process and a variety of energy-based Self Care Practices to coach individuals to begin to truly care for and value themselves.
Sarah Michelle MSN, APRN, FNP-C, FNP-BC
Founder of SMNP Reviews & SM NCLEX Reviews
npreviews.com, nclexreviews.com
With a 99% pass rate and an online community of over 26,000 NPs and students, Sarah Michelle offers comprehensive prep courses, focusing only on the relevant information needed to pass the ANCC, AANP Boards and NCLEX exam, all within a stress-free, confidence boosting framework. Check out her board prep courses, free live classes and free resources.
Ana Minich RN, CCM NEW
Premium Case Management, Owner
Specializes in helping employers, third party administrators and/or injured workers with work-related injuries to get them back to work quickly and provides consulting to prevent injuries from occurring.
Catherine Mullahy RN-BS CRRN CCM
Mullahy and Associates, LLC
Mullahy and Associates, LLC, provide educational assistance to case managers.
Meaghan O’Keefe RN BSN
Meaghan is a writer and registered nurse specializing in healthcare communications. Services she offers include blogging, newsletters, brochures, website content, press releases, and much, much more.
Lisbeth Overton RN
Healthy Nurse by Design, Creator
Healthy Nurse by Design is a coaching-based business which provides a safe place for nurses to voice their struggles as nurses and empower them to create a healthy change that they want to see in their lives.
Sasha Parker RN
Esthetic Skin Institute, Inc., President
Parker holds training and certification programs across the US to teach nurses how to perform medical aesthetics procedures and how to set up their practices.
Phyllis Quinlan RN-Bc PhD LNC CEN CCRN MFW
Consultants to Professionals
MFW offers its diverse client groups services in Legal Nurse Consulting, Personal Coaching, and Energetic Healing/Complementary Therapy.
Pamela Katz Ressler RN BSN HN-BC
Stress Resources, President
Pamela provides stress management and holistic healthcare consultation, program development, and implementation to healthcare providers, schools, businesses, and the general public.
Keith Rischer RN MA CEN CCRN
Keith continues to serve and care for patients in clinical practice and teach others through the use of his clinical reasoning resources and case studies on his website.
Shari Sandifer RN MBA
Avant Healthcare Professionals, President
Avant recruits nurses, physical therapists, and occupational therapists from overseas places them in long-term contracts in the US and offers training and support to recruits.
Elizabeth Scala RN MSN/MBA
Elizabeth is a Johns Hopkins-trained Registered Nurse, bestselling author, keynote speaker, and consultant on burnout prevention for nurses in all specialties. She is the CEO of ElizabethScala.com and founder of The Art of Nursing—a Nurse’s Week program providing education and inspiration at dozens of hospitals and healthcare organizations across the country. Her online community of over 15,000 nurses has allowed her to teach the lessons in this program in the real world of professional nurses and their rapidly changing healthcare environment.
Diane Sieg RN CYT CSP
Sieg is a speaker, author, certified yoga teacher, and life coach.
Priscilla Smith-Trudeau RN
Wealth in Diversity Consulting Group, Inc., Principle
Smith-Trudeau is an author and one of the healthcare industry’s top organizational development and cultural diversity consultants.
Deborah C. Stamps EdD, MBA, MS, RN, GNP, NE-BC
Deborah C. Stamps Consulting, LLC
Deborah C. Stamps Consulting, LLC is an inclusive leadership consulting agency. Specializing in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) Programming, Organizational Leadership Training to maximize critical skills, Professional Skills Building, coaching, mentoring, and equipping individuals, organizations, and communities with tools to thrive personally, professionally, and assist in the achievement of health equity.
Stephanie Staples LPN
Your Life, Unlimited
Staples is the Founder and Owner of speaking/coaching company Your Life, Unlimited.
ChrysMarie Suby RN MS
Labor Management Institute
LMI is a research, education, and consulting company specializing in clinical operations, optimizing scheduling and staffing, and productivity management.
Colleen Sweeney RN-BS
Sweeney Healthcare Enterprises
The Patient Empathy Project made her the nation’s thought leader in truly patient-centered care.
Anne Taylor RN BSN
Scandic Health
Anne is the Founder of Scandic Health. She was born and raised in Copenhagen, Denmark, and has earned a Registered Nursing (RN) degree and a BSN from Copenhagen Nursing School.
Annette Tersigni RN
The Yoga Nurse®
This stress management expert is the Founder of Yoga Nurse Medical Yoga and Stress Management® and the creator of the new field of Yoga Nursing® and the Yoga Nursing Institute®.
LeAnn Thieman LPN
SelfCare for HealthCare
Thieman travels the world, speaking to nurses and caregivers, and inspiring them to care for themselves as attentively as they do others. Additionally, she helps healthcare facilities with the recruitment and retention of nurses.
Penny Warner RN BSN
The Texas Lice Squad™
Peggy runs a professional head lice removal treatment center that offers head checks, lice education, and head lice and nit removal services.
Karon White Gibson RN CCM
In addition to owning AmericaNurse, a consulting, education, and TV production company, Gibson hosts her TV show, “Outspoken with Karon,” which deals with diverse topics, such as health, safety, adoption, and herbal remedies.
Susan Whitney RN
CPR Associates of America, Co-Owner
Whitney and Janet Celli sell automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) and train and certify individuals and organizations in their use.
Doris Young RN PhD
Doris Young Associates, and Natural Health Resources
Young, the Owner of a corporate wellness firm, specializes in coaching nurses and nurse leaders to have less stress, more energy, and greater fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.
Sharon Zelinko RN
Gripsors, LLC
Zelinko is the designer of Gripsors brand medical bandage scissors.