It’s Never Too Late to Follow Your Dreams

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Follow Your DreamsI recently presented to a group of women and spoke about how important it is not to lose oneself in caregiving (whether a parent or taking care of an ill, elderly or disabled loved one) and that it is vital to maintain something for/of themselves. Afterward, a woman came up to me and shared that ever since she was a kid she wanted to learn to play the drums. Her mother told her she could not but that she could take piano lessons. She did that for a while but didn’t like it. Again, she asked for drum lessons and her mother said no but that she could take guitar lessons. She didn’t want to do that so she never took music lessons again.
When her husband died several years ago after a protracted illness, and at the age of 63, she signed up for drum lessons. When she showed up for the lessons, the teacher assumed she was the mother of the student. She loves playing the drums and is finally doing something she has wanted to do since she was a child. It’s never too late to follow your heart and your dreams and do the things you want to do. What part of your life has been on hold and needs nurturing?
© Donna Cardillo. All rights reserved.

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