Hurricane Harvey: How Can Nurses Help?

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#HarveyNursesI have received many emails and social media messages from nurses around the world asking how they can help in Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. The Texas Board of Nursing has posted this information about volunteer opportunities and temporary licensure

A private jet full of nurses left from my home state of NJ yesterday after answering a call for volunteers that came in through the New Jersey State Nurses Association. Nurses from every part of the country are travelling to Texas to help.

There will also be an ongoing need for nurses in contract/travel paid positions there for some time to come. Contact travel nurse agencies about those opportunities such as this one 

For all others, I encourage you to donate whatever money you can to the Texas Nurses Foundation to help nurses affected by the hurricane.

Additionally you can donate to Nurses House which serves nurses in need I am sure they will be receiving an abundance of requests for aid in the wake of the devastation in Texas. This is another way you can support our nursing colleagues there.

Consider taking up a collection or having a fund raiser for Nurses House or the Texas Nurses Foundation.

I know you all join me in holding our nursing and healthcare colleagues in Texas in our hearts and prayers, not only as they experience personal/family loss and devastation, but as they work around the clock to care for those in need.

Please share your stories of help and support here.

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