High-Quality CPR Saves Lives

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High-Quality CPR Saves Lives

This post has been sponsored by RQI.

“It’s a beautiful day to save lives.” That popular phrase, attributed to the TV show Grey’s Anatomy, brings to mind what we work to do in healthcare every day. In that vein, I have recently learned of a program designed to save more lives that I wanted to share with you.

The American Heart Association and Laerdal Medical (leaders in simulation training products) collaborated to create the Resuscitation Quality Improvement ((RQI®) program and introduced it to the healthcare industry in 2015. It is an innovative, technology-based quality and performance improvement platform that ensures healthcare providers achieve and sustain high-quality CPR skills at the point-of-care instead of in a classroom. RQI delivers quarterly, audiovisual feedback and coaching and is supported by data and analytics that track and measure performance. Through RQI, healthcare providers verify their competence and improve confidence to respond with lifesaving patient care.

Poor quality CPR is devastating to patient outcomes. The conventional 2-year BLS card does not verify a healthcare provider’s competence to perform the high-quality CPR that is necessary to save a cardiac arrest victim’s life. There are more than 200,000 cardiac arrests in U.S. hospitals annually; less than 26% survive. Increasing the number of healthcare providers using the RQI program may improve patient outcomes and potentially save more lives. And just last month, the AHA and Laerdal Medical launched RQI 2020, a comprehensive quality improvement program that will deliver higher CPR quality at a lower cost to healthcare systems and professionals.

RQI Quick Facts:

  • Verifies CPR competency through “low-dose, high-frequency” hands-on sessions; provides vital CPR skills practice in 10 minutes every 90 days.
  • Reduces and eliminates labor expenses by assimilating sessions into the learner’s normal work schedule.
  • Places RQI stations on the floor and provides 24/7 access to hospital staff.
  • Provides real-time audio and visual feedback via high-fidelity manikins.
  • Meets and exceeds accreditation and credentialing standards.

Check out RQI’s Lifesaving Solutions: http://ow.ly/8S4130nDlHI

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