When does the retreat start/end?
Our opening workshop is on the evening of Friday, April 22nd at 7:15 p.m. Our closing session will end Sunday, April 24th at 11 a.m. That is a total of two nights.
Who should attend?
All nurses at every stage of their careers including RNs, LPN/LVNs, advanced practice nurses, student nurses—whether employed, unemployed, self-employed, retired, or student.
Do I have to make my own reservation to stay at Himalayan Institute?
Yes. Call 800.822.4547 ext. 1 and identify yourself as a member of “Empowered Nurse, Enlightened Practice™ Group” or you can make your group room reservations online.
Is there an additional cost to attend the conference?
Yes. The conference investment is $499 and includes 9.5 ANCC continuing education credits. The early bird rate of 449.00 is good until April 8. A limited number of partial scholarships are available. Contact us for more details.
May I stay off-site and only attend the daily workshop?
Yes and No. Only registered guests of the Himalayan Institute are permitted on the property. If you happen to live in the area and don’t wish to sleep on sight, you still must register and pay a daily rate of $40.00 to cover food and use of the facility. However, I do recommend that you stay on the property overnight to have the most empowering and restful experience possible.
Would it be appropriate to bring a spouse or friend who is not attending the workshop?
Absolutely and I encourage it! There is plenty for them to do while you are in workshop sessions. Likewise, you will have some free time to spend with your guests or by yourself if you so choose.
Are children allowed at the Himalayan Institute?
Yes but not in the actual workshop. However, there are no provisions for childcare, and children under the age of 16 cannot be left unattended.
What if I’d love to come but really can’t afford it right now?
Where there is a will there is always a way. We always find the time and money for the things that are truly important to us. If you don’t have the personal funds, ask for the trip (or part of it) as a gift from family or close friends. Asking for what you want and need is part of being an empowered nurse! Set a goal to be part of this event and you will find a way to make it happen. Sharing a room will also help to reduce your cost.
Will continuing education credits be offered for nurses?
Yes! This activity has been approved for 9.5 contact hours by NJSNA. New Jersey State Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission On Accreditation (ANCC). That means that the credits are accepted by any entity nationally that recognizes the ANCC.* In order to be eligible to receive the continuing education credits, you must attend the program in its entirety and complete and submit an evaluation form at the end of the program.
What if I want to stay a few extra days before or after the retreat – can I do that?
Yes, as long as rooms are available. And I encourage you to do that.
To register for the conference go here.
- To register for your stay at the Himalayan Institute call 570-253-5551 during business hours Monday-Friday 9 AM – 5 PM ET.
- Identify yourself as a member of “Empowered Nurse, Enlightened Practice™ Group” or you can make your group room reservations online.
*Empowered Nurse, Enlightened Practice™
Desired Learning Outcome: 100% of participants should identify the changing role of the nurse and should be able to put 80% of the skills into practice.
Endorsement Statement: Accredited status does not imply endorsement by NJSNA, DonnaCardillo.com, or ANCC or any commercial products or services.
Speaker Disclosure: Donna Cardillo (speaker) has declared that she has nothing to disclose.
Commercial Support Statement: There is no commercial support for this activity.
Marketing Statement: This activity has been approved by NJSNA to award contact hours. The NJSNA is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
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