For Women Only!
Spend a relaxing, fun-filled day in a tranquil water-front setting creating a life plan that will keep you energized, engaged, and excited…possibly in a whole new way! If you’re a member of the human race, you’ve experienced more than one obstacle, set-back, or otherwise dark time in your life. Perhaps you’ve had a major life event (illness, divorce, job loss, aging), anticipated or unexpected, that has left you feeling disoriented and afraid. Maybe your current circumstances don’t stimulate you and you are desperate for a change but don’t know which direction to move in. Possibly there’s something you really want to do but fear has you frozen in place.
As the nature of life, family, health and work evolves for each of us, it is vital that we reexamine our goals, our happiness quotient, and even our heart’s deepest desires…at any stage of life. This uplifting program will teach you how to develop direction, energy and courage to move forward and leave you feeling inspired, empowered and ready for action.
Participants will learn how to:
- Move from fear to freedom
- Create positive momentum in their life and work
- Triumph over self-doubt, disappointment and heartache
- Live fully and authentically
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
755 Ocean Ave, Long Branch, NJ 07740
(732) 222-2731
8 am Light breakfast
8:30 Welcome and introductions
9-12 Self-exploration, reinvention, rejuvenation
Deciding what to do “when you grow up”
Discovering how to use current and past challenges as a springboard for success
12-1 Lunch (included)
1-3:30 Creating a new road map for life
Redefining retirement
3:30 Adjournment
A notebook or journal; sweater or jacket; walking shoes if you want to stroll the grounds.
$199.00 (includes: materials, light breakfast, and full lunch)