By Donna Cardillo, RN, MA, CSP, FAAN
Using the Internet in your job search can help you reach more people, gain more information, and expand your horizons. Here are a few ways to put the World Wide Web to work for you as you manage your career in the 21st century.
1. Gather information
Start by doing an Internet search for any specialty or general area of interest you have. For example, search for “forensic nursing” or “critical care nursing” and see what you come up with. You should uncover related professional association sites, listservs (e-mail discussions), articles, and other resources. Always be sure to check the links in any relevant site for even more resources. Be sure to try more than one search engine, because each engine will return different results.
2. Search for job openings
The web offers a host of job data banks where you can choose a specialty, geographic location, and in some cases, even a salary range. Use the terms “nursing jobs” or “healthcare jobs” to search. You can even view classified ads from major newspapers across the country. For example, visit the Los Angeles Times site at Here you’ll find information on healthcare jobs, job fairs, and even view classified ads from other newspapers.
3. Research specific companies
If you’re thinking about working for a specific company, you can research it on the net. Many companies have listed some of their job openings on their website so you’ll be able to apply for a job online. For example, visit the site of Merck Pharmaceutical at and click on “Exciting Careers @ Merck” to search for job openings. Before you apply to a classified ad for a specific company, look up the company on the web before writing your cover letter or going on an interview to learn more about the company. This will give you a competitive edge.
4. Find a recruiter
If you’re considering working with a professional recruiter, you can find them on the web, too. Search for “healthcare recruiter” to turn up the names. Visit their sites and read carefully to find a good match. Contact a few that seem to be doing what you need.
5. Connect with agencies
You can find nursing agencies, travel agencies, and temp agencies on the web too. Do a search for “nursing employment agencies” and see what you find.
A word of caution
When using any online career service, including a recruiter or agency, be sure no fee is involved to you as the job applicant.
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