Haiku Writing For Holistic Nurses

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As holistic nurses, we often think of modalities such as Reiki, meditation, aromatherapy, and labyrinth walking to support wellness, balance, and inner peace for ourselves and those we serve. We also know that numerous forms of art, including writing and poetry, fall into the same category. Yet many nurses shy away from the written word, intimidated by the process, or believing they lack the “creative gene.” In fact, every nurse is an artist in their own way.

Although I had seen and heard of haiku previously, I had never attempted to create one until I was in a forest therapy guide training course several years ago. We were required to create experiences or ‘invitations’ as we called them to use with our groups. We were then challenged to write a haiku to sum up the invitation. Because this was a new format to me (and I often slip into the “I’m not creative” head space), it was initially off-putting. Yet once I focused on the task at hand, I realized that haiku writing helped me to delve deeper into my work and see things in a more expanded and holistic way. This has implications for many settings and situations. For nurses it can potentially bring clarity to our practice and help us define the art and science of nursing, something difficult for most of us to do (Turner etc., 2023). Liesch (2023) tells us, “Putting pen to paper transforms thoughts, releases emotions, and enhances mindfulness and focus” (p. 24). Haiku writing has shown evidence of decreasing anxiety and depression and potentially reducing healthcare worker burnout while boosting resilience (Reynolds & Sova, 2022).

Haiku is an ancient Japanese style of poetry that originated with Zen Buddhist monks. Similar to their philosophy and lifestyle, it embraces a “less is more” or minimalist approach to writing and self-expression. Haiku traditionally illuminated the Buddhist belief in the transience of all natural things and the suffering and spiritual loneliness this brings, but transience was also embraced as a truth-seeking experience. As the historical Buddha discovered through his contemplation of moments as fleeting as a falling leaf, nature’s transience empowers us to surrender and find peace in the universal condition of all life. Hence, the classical haiku of antiquity honored nature not only for its beauty but also for its evanescence (Hass, 1994). Today, haiku is used more broadly for any subject while adhering to the original format.

Haiku typically has 17 syllables and three lines with five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line, and five syllables in the third line so the pattern is 5-7-5. It is unrhymed and made up of phrases rather than complete sentences. Longer haiku can be created using multiple stanzas following the same 5-7-5 format.

Because haiku is short, doesn’t need to rhyme, and can be done in minutes, it is accessible to everyone. For nurses, it is a beautiful way to convey feelings, relay experiences, find our voice, define our role, and unleash creativity whether done alone or in a group. Haiku is another way to express who we are and what we do, and to share the unique values proffered by holism. It can support and deepen self-reflection, self-care, empathy, and compassion tying into scope and practices of holistic nursing.

Following are two examples of haiku I wrote with profundity reflecting on my nursing practice:

One moment in time                                                        I’m the go between
A lifetime of connection                                                Life and death in the balance
My soul bonds with yours                                           Sacred path beckons

Notice how the third line in the above two haiku summarize or pull together the first and second lines. This is another technique often seen in haiku writing where the last line either surprises, finishes the story, or leaves a strong image. This haiku by Rosemary Jameson Farrell, MSN, RN, APN, expresses how she observes so much through a patient’s eyes:

Eye’s set in crisis
Noticed by healer’s vision
Now comfort and ease

With haiku writing, punctuation is used sparsely if at all to allow the words to flow. However, commas and dashes can be used as they would in common writing, but because complete sentences are not usually used, periods are not necessary. Some haiku are written in all lowercase, while others might utilize capitalization of the first word of the first line only, or of each line. You will see variations in this depending on the author. Fortunately, you have some personal/artistic leeway when you are the haiku poet. Haiku writing can be challenging and even intimidating at first (it was to me) because of its brevity and compactness. But these same features can make the compressed form liberating. Likewise, having that short and structured format can provide comfort and order when things are chaotic or stressful in our lives. And it can be done quickly. At a recent retreat, I invited the group to write a haiku about any aspect of nursing. This first one highlights a moment in time, often the focus of haiku. The author, Maryellen Shaw, MS, RN, CCM, CLNC, titled it “Stories Untold” and offered this brief background of what was ‘behind’ this poem: “I was an 18-year-old new student nurse. This was the patient who made me realize when we care for the sick and the elderly, we must remember they too once had a full life and we need to respect that and always show compassion.”

Frenchy, in cursive
Tattooed on your right buttocks
A sight to behold

Wrenching emotion is captured in the following haiku penned by pediatric nurse Tiffany C. Smith, BSN, RN, CPN, who expresses what she experiences when she witnesses the pain and suffering of a child yearning to be comforted by a parent who bears responsibility for the distressing circumstances:

Crying for your mom
But she’s the reason you’re here

Another characteristic of traditional haiku is the use of often unexpected connections or oppositions. Here is an example of that from Susan Farese, MSN, RN, which she titled “Thrive to Survive!” where she compares nature with newborns:

Dainty butterflies!
Delicate, like a preemie
Yet with will to thrive!

I composed the following haiku to describe my experience when working from home on my patio. Notice how the melding of both nature and electronic sounds marks an unusual juxtaposition in the aural landscape.

The blue bird screeches
I call back to him softly
My telephone rings

Just as my forest therapy guide training used haiku to create deeper meaning, haiku has also been utilized in nursing education from entry to practice to doctoral-level education (Turner, etc., 2023). When used with pre-licensure nurse education, writing haiku was shown to boost student engagement with education, increase creativity at all levels, and improve memory (Lewis, 2018). Haiku can be effective in any learning scenario including self-study. I know of several coaches and counselors who utilize haiku to encourage self-expression and healing for their clients.

As a writer for over 20 years, I have explored many forms and genres, including fiction and non-fiction books. I return to haiku, because I find it to be very freeing. It flows once you get started. I have a separate notebook just for my haiku writing. I encourage you to do the same. If you carry that notebook with you, either hardcopy or electronic, you can write haiku almost anywhere and at any time. It gives you a new way to see the world and explore your experiences in it.

Every nurse is a writer. Every nurse is a poet. Every nurse is an artist. There is rhythm, cadence, beauty, and depth in everything we do. Our work is soulful and deep. In summary, haiku writing can be used as a holistic modality. We can incorporate this tool to increase self-awareness, self-reflection, self-expression, and self-care, all vital to the holistic nurse. We can use haiku to support our learning experience on any subject and improve our overall well-being. If haiku presents a challenge to you, all the more reason to do it. If haiku comes easily to you, all the more reason to do it. It gives me great pleasure to offer this closing haiku:

Do not hesitate
Start haiku writing today
Nursing’s voice is heard

Gil, T. (2018). Meaningful learning through art: Nature photography, haiku writing, mobile technologies and social media as a path to oneself. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 38(2), 360–
375. https://doi.org/10.1111/jade.12192
Haas, R.(1994). The essential haiku: versions of Basho, Buson & Issa.
Ecco Press.
Lewis, H. A. (2018). Haiku to enhance student learning: Experiences from a pathophysiology classroom. Nurse Education Today, 60, 98–
100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2017.09.018
Liesch, S. (2023). A Great Leap Forward into 2024 with a Holistic Nursing Resolution to Write. Beginnings, (43),6, 24.
Reynolds, S. S., & Sova, C. (2022). Memes and poetry. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 37(3), 245–248.https://doi.org/10.1097/ ncq.0000000000000618
Stephenson, K., & Rosen, D. H. (2015). Haiku and healing. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 33(1), 36–60. https://doi. org/10.1177/0276237415569981
Turner, A. R., Velasco, R. A., Oman, K., Sousa, K. H. (2023). Aesthetic knowing: Cut-ups and haiku poems. Nursing Science Quarterly, 36(2), 181–185. https://doi.org/10.1177/08943184221150263

Donna Cardillo, MA, RN, CSP, FAAN is The Inspiration Nurse. She is a writer and keynote speaker and facilitates writing and empowerment retreats for nurses. Donna holds the following certifications: AWA Writing Workshop Facilitator, meditation teacher, chair yoga instructor, Forest Therapy Guide, Veriditas labyrinth facilitator, and Certified Speaking Professional (CSP). She is author of the award-winning book: Falling Together: How to Find Balance, Joy, and Meaningful Change When Your Life Seems to be Falling Apart and others. She is the original Dear Donna advice columnist at nurse.com Donna can be reached at donna@donnacardillo.com


This article originally appeared in the August 2024 edition of Beginnings, a publication of the American Holistic Nurses Association. Reprinted with permission.

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