About Donna

Donna Cardillo, MA, RN, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), FAAN (Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing) is The Inspiration Nurse. She is a powerhouse of energy, wisdom, humor, and solid content and has been referred to as a positive force of nature who lights a path for others to follow.

Donna travels the world helping individuals to be happy in their lives and careers and to reach their full potential. She does that as a keynote speaker, retreat and seminar leader, columnist, author, and cut-up. Her accomplished career combines over 35 years of clinical, managerial, and business experience, not to mention her stint as a professional singer! Donna’s clinical experience includes emergency and psychiatric nursing. She holds a diploma in nursing, a BS in Health Care Management, and an MA in Corporate and Public Communication. She is the original ‘Dear Donna’ columnist at Nurse.com.

Donna has twice been named Business Woman of the Year in New Jersey and has also received the coveted Athena Award, an international leadership award for women. Donna was designated a Diva in Nursing by the Institute for Nursing in NJ for outstanding achievements and excellence in practice. She has also been named one of 50 Best Women in Business by NJBIZ. Donna appears regularly on television and radio, is frequently quoted in newspapers and magazines and has published numerous articles. Donna has appeared on The Today Show, The Dr. OZ Show and has been featured in the Los Angeles Times on several occasions.

Donna is author of the award-winning book Falling Together: How to Find Balance, Joy, and Meaningful Change When Your Life Seems to Be Falling Apart. She is also the author of Your First Year as a Nurse: Making the Transition from Total Novice to Successful Professional 3rd ed., The ULTIMATE Career Guide for Nurses: Practical Advice for Thriving at Every Stage of Your Career 2nd ed., and A Day Book for Beginning Nurses.

Donna is a founding member and past president of the New Jersey chapters of both the National Speakers Association (NSA) and the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO). She holds the coveted Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation, the highest earned international recognition for professional speakers. This makes her one of only 10% of all speakers to hold this designation and one of only 25 nurses with this credential. She is one of only 4 nurses in the world to hold both the CSP and FAAN designations.

Donna is a Reiki Master, Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Certified Meditation Teacher, Certified Chair Yoga Instructor, Certified AWA Writing Workshop Facilitator, and Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator. When she is at her home base in Sea Girt, NJ, she serves as a local spokesperson for family caregivers.


  • National Speakers Association (NSA)
  • American Academy of Nursing (AAN)
  • American Nurses Association (ANA)
  • New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA)
  • Sigma (International Honor Society for Nurses)
  • National Nurses in Business Association (NNBA)
  • American Holistic Nurses Association
  • Amherst Writers and Artists (AWA)
  • The Labyrinth Society

Donna in the Media

Radio Interviews

Podcasts and Webcasts